Regular in-person events happen around Ypsilanti, Michigan

Rhizome Roots builds community and cultivates wellbeing.

If you are looking to be more active, get outdoors, make friends, and learn a new skill, you're in the right place!

Why Choose Rhizome Roots

Our mission is to give back to the community through classes and events focused on dance, movement, and wellbeing.

Rhizome Roots Studio believes everyone deserves to live well. We are inclusive to all ages, ethnicities, and genders

Rhizome Roots offers an unprecedented approach to wellness.

We focus on YOU


Quality, not quantity

-Private Lessons for 1 to 4 people -

Private lessons offer personalized practice for individuals or small groups, allowing students to advance their technique, creativity, and connection in mindful movement.

If there's one thing we all have in common, its food.

dteRhizome Roots Studio offers a dynamic range of classes and community events focused on wellbeing and movement, because we believe everyone deserves to live well.

Join us in-person for Dance, Yoga, Hiking, Foraging, Cooking Classes, and more, in SE Michigan.

We're working hard to create quality online content too! Signup for emails so you won't miss out.

It's all about the mindset.

Every RRS event, in one way or another, centers on the mind-body connection.

Your mind is your most powerful muscle! But it also may be the most stubborn. So it's a good thing living well is about the process, not the product, and failing forward is part of the journey.

RRS offers safe and inclusive space to try something new & fail forward in the most fabulous way, surrounded by a community that cares.

Learn at an accelerated pace

Personalized coaching

Individual or Small Groups

Latin Dance

Bachata for Beginner & Intermediate Dancers

Okay, maybe the wild is your city park, but that's nature too! Whd

“Nature is loved by what is best in us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

About Rhizome Roots Studio

Rhizome Roots builds community and cultivates wellbeing. If you are looking to be more active, get outdoors, and learn a new skill, you're in the right place!

Rooted in Wellness, Growing Together

Contact Us